World class
  • Espresso
  • Filter

Pepe Jijon

  • origin
  • ecuador

  • tastes like
  • clementine

  • caramel

  • orange cake

  • velvety

  • processing
  • SyOxidator washed

New coffee from our friend Pepe Jijon!

Here we have a Sidra that we are so excited about! Coming from Finca Soledad, Pepe, and his team decided to apply the classic TyOxidator methods to his Sidra, hence the name "Syoxidator washed"!

This processing method is a variation of a washed process. First, the coffee is left to ferment aerobically in the open environment to promote an oxidated fermentation. The coffee is then pulped and fermented in a sealed tank for 48 hours in its mucilage before being washed, then dried in both indirect and direct sunlight for 20 days.

The results were absolutely fantastic and makes way for the first coffee on the list with a velvety mouthfeel!

Select your roast …

Espresso125 gram whole coffee beans
€ 27,50
Espresso250 gram whole coffee beans
€ 55,00
Espresso1000 gram whole coffee beans
€ 216,00
Filter125 gram whole coffee beans
€ 27,50
Filter250 gram whole coffee beans
€ 55,00
Filter1000 gram whole coffee beans
€ 216,00

All coffee containers contain whole coffee beans.
The applicable shipping rate is calculated during checkout.
All prices exclusive of VAT.

  • country
  • ecuador
  • farm
  • finca soledad
  • producer
  • pepe jijón
  • region
  • imbabura
  • altitude
  • 1515masl
  • variety
  • sidra

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